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One day you will fly out, grow more beautiful than people expect, but the process will be painful, will be very hard, sometimes feel.有一天你将破蛹而出,成长得比人们期待的还要美丽,但这个过程会很痛,会很辛苦,有时候还会觉得灰心。
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本篇One day you will fly out, grow more beautiful than people expect, but the process will be painful, will be very hard, sometimes feel.有一天你将破蛹而出,成长得比人们期待的还要美丽,但这个过程会很痛,会很辛苦,有时候还会觉得灰心。来自微语录网,更多On,心。相关美文请浏览微语录网。