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The success of each person, ever was in their youth in the protest, despair, loss, disappointment, but did not give up the ideal of persistence.每个人的成功,都曾是在他们青春里呐喊过,失望过,彷徨过,失意过,却未放弃的对理想的坚持
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本篇The success of each person, ever was in their youth in the protest, despair, loss, disappointment, but did not give up the ideal of persistence.每个人的成功,都曾是在他们青春里呐喊过,失望过,彷徨过,失意过,却未放弃的对理想的坚持来自微语录网,更多Th,坚持相关美文请浏览微语录网。