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ame is Chris Tuney. I'm your roommate.

(Richard looks Chris over. About Richard's size, long, black hair, and, most
evidently, a girl.)

Richard: Uh --

(Richard mulls this over while Chris unloads her stuff on her bed. He reexamines
the paragraph bio on Chris. Finally:)

Richard: You're Chris Tuney? (Noticing her sketchbook on the bed.) Computer
Science major?

Chris: Oh, this? I just draw in my spare time.

(She does look like an artist. Leather jacket with the back painted, dressed all
in black. She doesn't have any of the characteristics of a geeky comp sci major.
And she was still a girl.)

Richard: Um, I knew this was a co-ed dorm, but --

Chris: Oh, forgive me for not explaining. Actually, I'm supposed to be a guy. I
checked the "M" box by accident on the application. And since my name is Chris,
no one ever found out I was really a girl. I don't mind if they think I'm a guy.
It means I get to live on a floor with about a hundred guys. And room with one.
You don't mind, do you? (Laughs.)

Richard: Well, heh, heh . . .

Chris: I mean, how many guys can say their roommate's a girl? Well, I gotta go
register for classes. Bye! (Exits.)

Richard (To himself): Don't worry, Richard, this isn't actually happening.
(Returns to writing letter.) Well, Mom, I've determined that college life is
going to take a little getting used to.

Jimmy (Poking his head in): Hey, Richard, the Freshman Get-To-Know-Me Picnic is
in 15 minutes. Not gonna miss it, are ya?

Richard (Grinning and bearing it): No. No chance of that.

Jimmy: Ok, see you there, Richard. (Exits.)

Richard (Writing): Yup. I miss home already.


(Next scene is same room, that night. Richard is lying on his bed reading a Star
Trek novel. Enter Chris with her sketchbook.)

Richard (Still expecting Chris to be a guy): Hi.

Chris: Have you been in here all day?

Richard: Yeah.

Chris: Why don't you go out and so something?

Richard: I have been doing something. Reading. (Flashes her his book.)

Chris: I see. Well, after I finished registration, I went to the top of the Phee
Building and sketched the Quad. This really is a beautiful campus.

Richard (Back to reading): Mmmmm . . . .

Chris (After a pause): Well, we're going to be sharing a room all year, so I
might as well know something about you. Why'd you pick Computer Science?

Richard (Puts his book down. Proudly): Because I'm good at it. In high school, I
aced every computer course offered. I won the Basic Achievement Award, the
Pascal Achievement Award, the Fortran Achievement Award, and the Excellence in
Programming Award. I'm also fluent in C, Lisp, and Assembly. I graduated seventh
in my class. I was easily the best programmer in my school.

Chris: So why did you come to a hole like NCLU?

Richard: My parents couldn't afford it. See, my father's an asparagus farmer.
Demand was low last year.

Chris: What about a scholarship?

Richard: I guess I didn't have enough extra-curricular activities. Hey, I was in
the Young Republicans Club! What more do they want?


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